25+ Best CV Personal Profile Examples with Writing Guide 2021 - ResumeKraft
Here are the top 25 best CV profile examples with a writing guide and tips. It’s your opportunity to tell a story about yourself and why you would be an excellent choice for a new job.
July 21, 2021
Category: Education and 2 others
A CV Profile Statement is a one-page document that you submit with your CV. This concise profile provides the reader with some more information about what type of position you're looking for, your skills and experience, and how your personality and personal interests make you a great candidate.
Your CV Profile Statement can be a valuable tool in your career search. By providing prospective employers with more information about what type of position you'd like, your skills and experience, and how your personality and personal interests make you a great candidate, the profile statement will help you stand out from the crowd of applicants.
A CV Profile Statement is similar to an Executive Resume for management careers (see next article) or an executive summary for sales professionals (see previous article).
First of all, let's examine some tips on how to write a CV Profile Statement. Towards the end of your CV, in the section where you explain why you are qualified for the job, include a paragraph that states your career objective. In other words, what position are you applying for?
"I am looking for a position as…"
Be brief and to the point. Do not write long winded explanations about your skills and experience. Keep your statement under 1 page. Do not include irrelevant information such as where you live or how old you are.
First of all, let's look at the general format of a CV Profile Statement:
1. Company name and address (if applicable)  or email address  or work telephone number
2. Profile Statement 3. Contact information
Makes sure that you use the exact same formatting as your CV so it looks professional and polished.
Company name and address (if applicable): Text this in italics, centered above your heading Profile statement: Text this in bold, centered under the company name Contact information: Include your email address, telephone number, or both (in italics)
Always include your personal information (name, address, telephone number) directly underneath the company name and below the profile statement.
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