Dr vikram chauhan
on May 29, 2021 131 views
Ulcerative colitis is a condition which can not be cured according to the modern science. According to allopathic practitioners a patient diagnosed with Ulcerative colitis has to spend his or her whole life on varying doses of drugs which are toxic for the body. But Ayurveda believes that every condition, even Ulcerative colitis is the result of imbalanced doshas of body and the best treatment is to balance the imbalanced dosha. For this use of various herbs is being described in classical Ayurvedic texts and along with some peculiar alterations in diet which plays a very major role in treating not only Ulcerative colitis but many other disorders.
Read more:- https://www.planetayurveda.com/library/ulcerative-colitis/
Ulcerative Colitis Testimonials Playlist :- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tt7SEpXpDBI&list=PLGmfXKdqKSj0NxfJXdS2idP8C5zmAeQtI
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