on August 31, 2022 100 views
Feel great in less than five minutes with this guided hypnotherapy inner smile exercise.
Simply close your eyes and listen to the sound of my voice.
You will remain in complete control at all times.
Hypnosis is a powerful way to release emotional pain and create positive feelings inside.
In this video, I focus on helping you remember how it feels to smile with a simple and incredibly effective guided hypnotherapy exercise.
If you would like to know how you can heal depression and anxiety safely and naturally with your mind then:
0:00 Introduction
0:20 inner smile exercise
3:30 Ready for a wonderful exercise
4:00 Self smiling
5:16 Imagine your smile
6:10 waking up
6:23 Outro
Join my free Masterclass:
How to Heal Depression and Anxiety - Without Spending Thousands of Dollars and Years of Your Life in Therapy.
It is totally free and you can register here:
Nicholas Harris has 22 years of international experience helping thousands of people to heal emotional pain.
Nicholas Harris is a hypnotherapist who helps people to heal trauma and relationships.
He is the creator of a new form of therapy that integrates knowledge from Clinical hypnotherapy, Artificial intelligence and Tibetan Buddhism.
Nick believes that there is a reason for every emotion that you feel and that every emotion can be healed with the mind.
// Join my free masterclass and learn how you can heal depression and anxiety here:
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Categories: Education, People & Blogs
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