SMLW India
by on May 22, 2023
When people ask me what it's like to be a destination wedding planner, I always tell them they should expect the unexpected. It takes a lot of work and patience, from dealing with last-minute changes in guests' travel plans to ensuring that all intricate details are assembled before your big day.
I wake up at 5 a.m. and make my way to the gym.
If you want to get started with fitness, there are plenty of ways. You could join a gym, sign up for classes, buy basic equipment and set up your home gym. If money is an issue, there are plenty of apps and websites out there that will help you find free workouts.
By 7 a.m., I'm in the office and checking my emails.
You're probably wondering how I get anything done with all those emails pouring in. Well, let me tell you: email is the main form of communication for my clients and colleagues. I keep my inbox organized by creating folders for each client and then placing all emails related to that client into that folder. This makes it easy for me to find specific messages later on if needed!
After a quick breakfast, then it's time to start planning the day's agenda with my team!
A quick breakfast will set you up for a productive day. It's the day's most important meal, so don't skip it! Eating a good breakfast can help you feel energized and focused throughout your workday.
We sit down to discuss the details of their weddings in India.
When you're a luxury destination wedding planner, your days are spent on the phone or meeting with clients. Much of my time is spent on the phone with my clients, discussing details of their weddings in India. We discuss everything from the venue to food and entertainment.
We always have time for a quick catch-up over dinner.
After a long day of meetings, phone calls, and emailing, it's always nice to have time to reflect on the day and plan for tomorrow. We are lucky that our offices are located right next door to each other so that we can take advantage of this opportunity! It's also important for us as a team to bond over dinner--it helps keep us motivated throughout the week and reminds us why we do what we do: helping couples create their dream destination weddings!
It is demanding but rewarding.
As one of the best destination wedding planners in India, you'll travel a lot. Depending on your clients, you may find yourself in exotic locations worldwide. While this can be exciting and rewarding, it can also be very demanding in your personal life. But even with all these challenges, there are plenty of reasons why being a destination wedding planner is so rewarding:
So, there you have it! A Day in the Life of a destination wedding planner. It's not always easy and demanding, but I wouldn't change it for anything. I love doing this and am so lucky to get paid to do something I enjoy!
Posted in: Wedding
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