College life is the most precious phase in everyone’s life. This is the age where you chill out, compete and have fun with your friends. However, you may hu... View MoreCOLLEGE LIFE: 5 STEPS TO FIND INNER PEACE
College life is the most precious phase in everyone’s life. This is the age where you chill out, compete and have fun with your friends. However, you may hurt or get hurt by your friends while talking unintentionally many a times. This takes away your peace of mind. There are times at which the college students get hurt by their personal life and the behaviour of their parents at home. Then, they need to go for online tutoring or any kind of help online/ offline to help them get out of the challenges successfully. Everyone would go through these situations and the way of handling these situations would differ from person to person. Few students would take the pain and become rebellious while a few would forget and forgive and move on. People who are able to handle pain in lives can reach greater heights rather than people who take the pain and get stagnant in their lives. To attain inner peace after getting hurt, you would need to go through these five steps
Let it be: When you undergo trauma in your life, you should not blame yourself or any other person for it. One thing that every college student should start inculcating is to accept how the life flows. Though it is distressing and is giving you acute pain, but accepting this pain would make your life easier. Pain is experienced by every person in life. In fact, college students would undergo pain due to the circumstances that they have in life. However, one who is able to deal with the pain would become stronger and can take any other hardship that they come across down the line with ease and without taking high pressure. When you accept bad things, you would move to the next critical steps of forgiving people. When you forgive and forget, you can retain relationships with your friends.
Let go: Once you start accepting hardships in life, you would learn to let them go. This goes hand in hand with forgiving. If any person has betrayed you or has gone against you will, you need to forgive them. You need to do this, since the other person does not deserve it, but you deserve an inner peace. When you forgive people, it shows your strength and maturity level. When you forgive such people in your life, you would start to handle life without any complications.
Appreciations: You would need to appreciate when you experience any hardship in your life. You need to find good things in bad things. When you become a person who is able to find good things in bad situations, it makes you stronger and keeps up your confidence levels. When you experienced bad in your life, it would be a great learning for you. When you take bad situations positively, you would remove negative thoughts from your mind.
Forget: When you forget the bad things in your life, you would be able to focus on more important things in your life, i.e. studies and attain success. When you forget, you do not have any grudge against the person. When you hold a grudge, it ruptures your relationships, and take a toll on your mental health. When you crumple the negative feelings against the person, you won. The inner peace in you keeps you happy forever.
Happiness: This is not the easy thing to attain in life. You would need to go through many obstacles. You need to celebrate well in bad things. When you experience negative situations, you need to appreciate them for the learning it gave you.
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You have a dream and you aspire to turn it into reality! No matter what you want to pursue – dancing, sports, arts, academics, singing or a... View MoreHOW TO WRITE A PROFESSIONAL BIO FOR COLLEGE APPLICATION!!!
You have a dream and you aspire to turn it into reality! No matter what you want to pursue – dancing, sports, arts, academics, singing or anything else that excites you. If you truly want to be the master in your field, joining the best university/ college is a must! I think you all will agree to this, won’t you?
If you want to get admission in the best college, then you need to write the years of training and hard work in one college application. You might have worked hard, but if it does not reflect from your college application then you are ruining your chances of getting admission into your dream college. That’s how important this Professional Bio for college Application is!
The students whose bio shows the hardships they have been through and the challenges they have overcome to achieve their dream would be able to convince the institute to give them a seat. The college management would pick the applications of the applicants with a convincing bio of why the candidate is willing to pursue this course and their aspirations. Hence this is one of the most important essays you will ever write as a student – Your Journey!
Here are a few tips you need to keep in mind while writing a bio for college application
Choose the brilliant opening sentence: When you start the professional bio with some interesting lines, it would glue the readers to go through the entire bio. You can make it humorous to keep the reader engaged.
Focus on how you overcame the challenges: Every successful person has failed 100 times in the past. It is the attitude of never backing down that makes the failed person successful. Don’t just focus on your strengths, rather focus on the journey. What all the challenges you faced and how you overcame those to reach where you are today and then talk about what you will do in future if you get to be a part of the prestigious college that you are applying to.
Take ample time: If you are unsure of how to write a professional bio, you can take online Essay Writing help. The experts who are well versed with what is expected from a student to get that Ivy league seat can help you get the right bio done. If you do not want to take anyone’s help, then you need to take ample amount of time and multiple reviews (at least review it 10-12 times) to finalise it. Once you finalise the bio, ask your friends and family members to read it and get an opinion on how you can make it better.
These are the 5 important tips suggested by our experts. Do let us know if you have any other tips that can be shared with the readers.
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#PersonalDevelopment #StudyTips #ThesisandDissertatonWriting #CollegeApplication #CollegeApplicationwriting #essaywriting #Helpwithessaywriting #Write essay #AssignmentHelp #CollegeLife
Do you want to develop the study skills that will make you fly high in your career? Then, you need to embrace a few study hacks which will improve your efficiency and save time. Few students keep stu... View MoreDo you want to develop the study skills that will make you fly high in your career? Then, you need to embrace a few study hacks which will improve your efficiency and save time. Few students keep studying till the last minute and end up scoring lower grades and few student study 30 minutes every day and score top grades in every subjects. What do these successful students do differently?
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