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Even though the graph of COVID-19 cases is still rising, the government says essential services government and private bodies can reopen their workstation with a 30% workforce. Many businesses or orga... View More
Are you from one of those who can’t stop overthink or takes a lot of time to take a small decision? Don’t get worried you are not the one who is facing this kind of issue. Due to overthink your decisi... View More
Those days are gone when companies were occupied the entire building for their company. But we are living in the era of the startup, co-working space provides an environment of highly professional and... View More
From human evolution, humans are directly connected and dependent on nature, in fact, nature also restores itself with the help of humans in many ways. #nature #biopholiccoworkingspace #productivity #... View More
According to the current business scenario, every passionate person is starting their own business or doing freelancing. But they don’t have enough savings to buy a place for their team. In this case,... View More
Flexible Desk- This kind of desk is a kind of recent revolution. Your employees and staff have a choice to seat anywhere they want in the office in order to get their work done in the given timeline. ... View More
As our way of working is changing day-by-day in order to take the profit of digital technology. So, technically our workspace culture is also changing.Instead of preferring cubicles, many small startu... View More
Flexible office space provides the business operators to access the workplace, meeting rooms, conference rooms, and basic amenities without any heavy expenses of a commercial building. #flexibleoffice... View More
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